meditate w/ the tribe
Each Saturday @ 5:30-6:30p. Weekly gatherings to practice stillness of the mind.
Join us for a weekly tradition of pausing, calming the mind and becoming more empathic to one another. Working with the natural breath rhythm, Jason will be sharing the teachings of Anapana Meditation for each session. His experience at Vipassana 10 day course has left him with great wisdom and helpful tips on how to let the mind rest at ease and to become less reactive. Join him, ask questions & work together for an hour or so. Beginners are very welcomed!
Your donation includes guided group session, an invite to our ONE TRIBE meditation group page here on Facebook to help keep you on track to help build your daily home practice. All proceeds benefit SLOW FOOD PHOENIX & BLUE WATERMELON
Meditation Schedule
These group sessions may change per month, check back often!