10 layers of cushion under you, 2 layers of insulated walls around you, and padded carpeting beneath you…
We strive to make your stay here as soothing on your nervous system as it is on your soreness or agitation. Using soothing music, comfy tables and essential oils on request, we bring over 50 years of combined experience to your customized relaxation session sending you away more supple than when you came in.
Deep Tissue
Not all sore muscles respond the same, so when the client is willing and able, we can add deeper pressure to the areas in need to help you release tension and help create circulation through the entire body, helping to heal and replenish. Simply ask for deeper pressure during your customized massage.
Originally designed for pulling viruses to move from the lungs to the lymph system, this Asian therapy has now become a leading reliver in stressed muscles and stiff joints! It’s pulling power moves blood and fluids through tissues in new ways which can instantly provide relief from overused areas and stubborn tightness!
Thai Foot
Think about this one, your entire body weight goes onto each foot every time you take a step. If your feet, ankles and calves aren’t free from stiffness all that discomfort you’re feeling above them, can easily be a result of compensation in an effort to keep your head level! Feet tend to get the least attention in a massage so this session, is all about them! Treat yourself to this treatment with our foot specialist Jason next time you come in!
FST Stretching
Fascial Stretch Therapies is an effective way to stretch and move the body to release stuck patterns found in the fascia in the body, a connective tissue that holds everything in place and allows it to move freely. Marie and Jason are the studio’s specialists in this field and because they’re both yoga teachers the level of awareness to range of motion will ensure you’ll get all the sore and stiff spots tended to. You’ll feel like a pro athlete getting stretched out for the big game with this modality!
book any of these modalities at your next customized massage session!